Dick’s new and growing collection holds texts ranging from poetry and essays, to fiction, scholarly monographs, comics and art books. Visit Dick’s online catalogue here.
On our catalogue, you can browse Dick’s collection as a whole, or you can use the filters in the right-hand pane to navigate according to genre, language, theme, and subject area. Please note that the catalogue includes both circulating and non-circulating items.
Our catalogue is a work-in-progress. Check in regularly for new items, updated filters, and original blurbs for the titles in our collection!
Borrowing Books
Borrowed books are currently available for pick-up or delivery on the Island of Montreal. In order to check out books, you will need a library account.
If you don’t have an account, please fill out our new patron account form.
If you have an account and would like to check out a book, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Patron account on Dick’s online catalogue
- Click on the book you’d like to borrow
- Click “Add Hold”
- In the pane that appears, click “Complete”
- Wait for a librarian to contact you to arrange for pick-up or delivery.
Please note that we release holds one week after contacting patrons to arrange for pick-up or delivery.
If you can’t find the book that you are looking for, please let us know by filling out a request form.
All of the books in Dick’s circulating collection have a lending period of 30 days. You are welcome to renew a book as many times as you like, or until another patron requests it. There are no fines for late books.
To return books, please contact us to coordinate a pick-up location, or drop off the books at Nueva Era (5835 Rue St-Hubert), Librairie Drawn & Quarterly (176 Rue Bernard O.), or L’Euguélionne (1426 Rue Beaudry) during their respective opening hours. Sign-up to our mailing list to stay up-to-date regarding return options.
Book Care
Dick’s encourages readers to leave index cards, fragments of paper, tabs, or post-it notes in borrowed books future readers. We hope that the space between the pages of the books in our collection can become a site of cruising, longing, reflection, community, and critical commentary.